Sign up for the Laryngectomy Skin Assessment and Management Tool
Sign up for the Laryngectomy Skin Assessment and Management Tool
Healthcare professionals
20 September 2024
Here at Atos we are dedicated to helping to improve the quality of life for laryngectomy patients. Many of us are aware of the positive impact Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) have on pulmonary and voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Adherence to HME use and efficiency of tracheoesophageal (TE) voice production can be challenged by Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries (MARSI) and Peristomal Skin Complications (PSC).
In order to facilitate assessment and management of peristomal skin conditions, Atos UK have developed a tool to optimise “in clinic” evaluation and monitoring of peristomal skin disorders. This tool has been developed by our head and neck nurses based on their experience working with laryngectomy patients and peristomal skin conditions. The aim is to help you as laryngectomy healthcare professionals make a uniform assessment of peristomal skin conditions, help improve monitoring and optimise communication between professionals.
How to use the Atos Skin Assessment and Management Tool