Join Atos Tracheostomy Clinical Educators and experienced clinicians from around the UK to discuss hot topics within tracheostomy management. This series of three webinars will focus on exploring variations in practice within areas of weaning and tube choice. Clinicians using different approaches to management will discuss the clinical reasoning and evidence-base underpinning decision making, allowing attendees to compare and contrast practice in order to broaden their own understanding.
The webinar series would be suitable for any clinicians working with tracheostomy patients, especially those involved in the tracheostomy weaning process and tube selection.
Webinar 3: Fenestrations: to use or not to use?
Across the UK there is huge variation in the use of fenestrated tracheostomy tubes. This webinar will focus on exploring potential risks and benefits of fenestrations, when fenestrations should or shouldn’t be considered, and why clinicians may prefer either fenestrated or non-fenestrated tracheostomy tubes in their clinical area.
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